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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What Does It Take to Be Well? YOU!

Remember how Dorothy didn’t know that she had the power all along to get back home to Kansas? Turns out all she had to do was CLICK HER HEELS. What is the magic ingredient in changing your health for the better? YOU. You’ve had it all along! A lot of times clients get really excited at the beginning of sessions and think the coach is going to magically transform their life and their problems will just melt away. It doesn’t exactly work like this, although you can and will experience RADICAL transformation if you jump in the river and GO WITH THE FLOW of the coaching process. Your coach or therapist DOES play a crucial role in your healing journey. This is true, and you should be excited. A compassionate, non-judgmental relationship with a coach or therapist goes a LONG WAY toward change and healing. HOWEVER, the most radical, beautiful, change happens because of YOU! This is a good thing, trust me. When you realize YOU have the power to change your life, this is where the real MAGIC HAPPENS. How does change happen then? And why does it feel like work? When you change for other people – to please them – or when you change out of FEAR – so you won’t feel humiliated on the beach – you are changing for EXTERNAL reasons, and that, my friend, is HARD WORK. In fact, it feels like you are carrying the weight of the world on you. Who wants to do that FOREVER? When you change because you LOVE yourself, and VALUE yourself, change FEELS GREAT and EFFORTLESS often. Here’s a tip, figure out what your very HIGHEST IDEAL is, and change FOR THAT REASON. When you change a health habit because you desire so strongly to stay true to and be there for your VISION – what you VALUE, YOUR HIGHEST IDEALS – change is not only effortless, it’s enjoyable, because you are FOCUSING ON YOUR VISION, AND SEEING IT COME TO FRUITION. Real change also happens when we build a sense of self-confidence, that yes, I CAN DO THIS. Self-confidence comes by achieving, small, attainable goals. One…goal…at…a…time. This is another way a coach can really help you along your JOURNEY. Yes, there are so many benefits to wellness coaching. But the most important benefit of all is that you get to meet your amazing, powerful SELF in the process. And your POWERFUL SELF, my friend, can do and be anything she wants. Just look within, believe in yourself, and click your heels…

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