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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Understanding the Link Between Mind, Body, & Chronic Illness with Shannon Harvey 01/25 by TheWellnessCoach | Health Podcasts

Understanding the Link Between Mind, Body, & Chronic Illness with Shannon Harvey 01/25 by TheWellnessCoach | Health Podcasts: Being healthy in this crazy, busy, modern world is not easy. For journalist Shannon Harvey, finding the solution became personal when she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.This inspired a 10-year journey testing treatments, searching through 1000's of scientific papers, and interviewing pioneering researchers. About ten years ago Shannon Harvey faced a personal health crisis and doctors couldn't give her a cause or a cure. As a journalist, she went in search of answers, compiling the latest research proving a connection between our mind, body and health. She made a film which includes remarkable stories of people recovering from illnesses like cancer, heart disease, infertility, chronic pain and MS. The Whole Health Life is a follow-up to The Connection. It is 320 pages, filled with simple, evidence-based solutions to help improve your health. The ten chapters cover topics ranging from stress, emotions, beliefs and relationships, to food, sleep and exercise, as well as healthcare, the environment, and how to make the healthy changes last. Discover why: Meditation can turn off genes affecting disease Sitting is considered the new smoking One simple change to your diet can add years to your life A walk in nature can boost your cancer fighting cells by more than 50% Getting enough sleep makes you smarter, faster, and even better looking Being positive can help you heal more quickly from a wound Loneliness is on par with obesity and addiction as a ...

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