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Monday, December 29, 2008

Bliss, Intent, & Chronic Illness

The following information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, or prescribe any kind of disease or illness. It is a good idea to seek the professional advice of a qualified health care practitioner (remember Naturopaths are doctors too) before making any major changes in your self health care.

Being sick is never easy, especially if you have been dealing with chronic illness for a long time. Here is an exerpt from my upcoming book "The Memory of Health*," (due out in 2010).

“Bliss is the key to vibrant health! Do as Joseph Campbell said and follow your bliss. Do only what makes you feel good. Eat only what makes you feel good, but not temporarily ”good” like sugar.

Sugar is an excitotoxin that raises neurotransmitters like dopamine artificially high but then leaves your body to crash low. It leaches crucial minerals along the way and steals your vitality (also known as “chi”).

If you’re sick, yes, you still need to take your supplements/medicine, eat extra well, get acupuncture, etc. But if you are living in a blissful state, the down time between being sick and being well could literally be days or months as opposed to years.

Bliss leads you to make and keep decisions that change the very nature of your life and reality, including your health which is the roadmap of your life.

The body has its own innate healing response. In short, in most cases your body will heal itself if you allow it. This is the difference between naturopathic and modern medical belief systems. Naturopathy believes the body can heal itself, and offers protocols that support the innate healing process.

Above all else, believing that you can heal is your greatest role as a patient.
Even more important, is that you believe in yourself, even if you’re the only person in your world that believes you’re sick. Don’t ever doubt for a second that what you’re experiencing is real.

But don’t ever doubt for a second in your ability to overcome what has made you so sick. Be your biggest cheerleader. You have to be: your life and happiness depend on it. Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. Fight for your life. You’re worth it.

Also, only surround yourself with people who make you feel good. People who have negative energy (also known as “energy demons”) will literally suck the lifeforce out of you. Even then, you have control over how you respond. Stay in bliss, and keep your intention on getting well. This is the key.

Remember, health is everything. This is your vehicle. Your body is you, but you are more than your body. Much, much more. The world is made up of energy. Unblock and mobilize your energy.

You are your own best investment. Your body may be at the mercy of illness at this point in time, but your spirit is not. Use this wisdom to plow through wherever your body is stuck in illness, in dis-ease, and break free.

You have the power to change your life. And remember that you have a beautiful soul, and, regardless of what your body is going through at this moment in time, that will never, ever change.”*

be well,

The Holistic Coach

*From my upcoming book The Memory of Health (due out in early 2010)

copyright 2009; all rights reserved

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