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Monday, December 29, 2008

Physical vs. Spiritual Strength

The following information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, or prescribe any kind of disease or illness. It is a good idea to seek the professional advice of a qualified health care practitioner (remember Naturopaths are doctors too) before making any major changes in your self health care.

“Power. We all want it. The truth is, we all have it already: inside. The human spirit is indomitable and limitless, and keeping or getting back your power is necessary for healing.

For sensitive people, or people who tend to get sick easily, establishing clear boundaries has everything to do with power, and staying well.

This might seem like a strange concept, but it’s real and absolutely crucial to your health and the quality of your life. And this is actually the one area in your life you have complete control over: your power.

Many people who get sick easily sometimes have boundary issues, meaning they often let people with negative and/or toxic energy into their worlds, and energy fields. It’s no surprise that they then get sick.

We are all sponges for better or worse. Our energy fields expand or contract depending on with whom or what we interact. Energy fields are the electromagnetic part of our bodies. As much as this sounds like science fiction, it is real and a crucial part of your health.

Energy fields are represented by our auras and meridian points on our bodies. It is very much like a four-dimensional information superhighway connecting us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It takes into account what we eat, who we associate with, our current state of mind, even our genetics and our emotional heritage.

In other words, your energetic body is an holographic GPS map of the current state of your life and health. This is why it’s crucial to allow only positive energy to “enter” into your field of energy on any level. This includes food, thoughts, and people. If negative energy gets through (and we’re human, so of course it does), then you will need to move that energy out again (see my blog on Stress and Your Health).

By allowing people into your world who are energy demons or who have seriously unresolved issues (such as substance abusers, or someone who’s constantly angry and/or negative) you are essentially playing Russian roulette with your health, and are a sitting duck — unless you protect yourself.

Creating boundaries is crucial to getting and/or staying well. This includes relationships and your life in general. Create a safe zone for yourself. Don’t take on any more than you can handle. If you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

People’s lives will not fall apart if you cannot do something. So many of us, especially those of us who have boundary issues, tend to say “yes” and take on more than we can handle.

The energy you have is precious. Use it to build up your life and health first, then reach out to others. Sometimes doing something for someone else can give you energy, but make sure you truly have the energetic resources for the committment.

People will respect you more when you come from a place of authenticity and empowerment, and it will do wonders for your health.”*

be well,

The Holistic Coach

*from my upcoming book The Memory of Health (due out in early 2010)
copyright 2009; all rights reserved

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