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Monday, April 23, 2012

Change: You Can Do It!

“Change, but start slowly, because direction is more important than speed.”

~ Paulo Coelho

Changing health behaviors for good takes time, it is process. Change happens in taking small steps toward your goal, and in months: 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. A lot of us don’t realize that. We get so down on ourselves when we don’t change a habit instantly, where, in reality, it is not realistic to change overnight. Change is a process. It is more of a spiral than a straight line and actually there are six steps of change that most people go through and each step is as important as the other step.

One of the steps is contemplation. You are contemplating and thinking about changing and, you think to yourself “Okay, I am gonna start exercising more.” You might start surfing the net, looking up articles on yoga, walking, or running groups, and you might be thinking to yourself “Okay, well, I have researched a lot and I have maybe even tested out a few classes or I bought some exercise videos, but I have not really done anything consistently yet.” You may think you are still in the same place you were before, or that “I am not changing.” But, in reality, you are changing because again, remember, change is a process, there are different stages of change, and each stage of change is just as relevant as the other. Action is important, yes, absolutely. But so are contemplation, preparation, and maintenance. Be proud of yourself, know you’re doing all you can do with what resources and skills you currently have, and remember that change takes time.

The most important thing you can do when changing a health habit or a lifestyle is to stay positive and not get down on yourself when you are trying to lose weight or quit smoking, or change any kind of other health habit that you have that maybe has been following you around for a number of years and — the most important thing is just reach out and stay connected. “Connection is the currency of wellness,” is a quote by John Travis. Most of us change and heal the best in the presence of others. Support from a wellness coach, and or a group or certain individuals are crucial to your journey. Of course there are many people that change on their own, but if you really want to speed up the process of change and be most effective, it is really important to connect with other people. This could actually be the most important thing that you do in terms of your wellness goals, to reach out and connect with others going through something similar to you, like a group wellness coaching format, or by seeking out a wellness coach.

Whatever your health goals are, you can achieve them and change for good. Whether you are trying to lose weight or quit smoking, or change any kind of other health habit that you have that maybe has been following you around for a number of years, the most important thing is to just reach out, stay connected, stay positive, and keep walking down the path. Reach out to your family, reach out to your friends, and reach out to a group of people with a similar story, or a professional to guide you along your way. Be proactive, creative, keep the faith, and remember that change is on your side. You can find the focus that this will happen for me; it is just a matter of time. Change is inevitable. This is one of the secrets that wellness coaches know. It is inevitable that you will change, because actually, change is the one constant in life. Not only do people change all the time, and that means that you can change as well. Change is the only guarantee in life. But change actually is on your side, and that is a new way to think about it. I hope you realize that your health is really precious, and that you come to value it again or for the first time. I hope you realize that taking care of yourself is really not as hard as many of us think it is. The goal is to reconnect with your body, and step back into your power and your life. You can do this. Wellness coaching can help you along the way.

Contact Me:

Edie Summers


edie [@]

“Change now, while you still can. Change now because you can, change now because it is the right thing to do. Change now because there is no right, no left, no time left, no space left. Only you. Change”

~ Richard Bartlett

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